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Peppermint belongs to the mint family and to the genus Mentha (mints). It bears the botanical name Mentha x peperita. It is believed that the real peppermint was born by chance from the crossing of Mentha spicata and Mentha aquatica. Peppermint is therefore a hybrid.
The genus of mints includes many different varieties. A demarcation is hardly possible, which is due to the tendency to form hybrids. Recognized are about thirty mint species.
The content of menthol is much higher in peppermint than in other mint plants. The content of carvone, however, is higher for other mints than for peppermint. The term "pepper" was created because of the sharp mint aroma.

Peppermint - Mentha piperita

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  • Die Pfefferminz Samen beziehen wir immer frisch aus China .


    Pfefferminze sollte im Halbschatten stehen, wo sie zwar genügend Helligkeit genießt, aber nicht direkt von der Mittagssonne bestrahlt wird. Die Sonneneinstrahlung am Morgen und Abend tun der Pflanze dagegen gut. Zudem benötigt die Pfefferminze einen windgeschützten und warmen Platz.


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