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The beautiful shrub or small tree that has been cultivated in India for almost 2000 years as an ornamental plant, is the most popular of all Cassien species, but rarely found in Europe. It belongs to the family of the carob plants and becomes a handsome tree in their homeland. Here, the plant reaches a height of 1.5-2.5 meters and forms in high and late summer hanging, 30 cm long bright yellow flower clusters. The plant should not be confused with the poisonous laburnum (Laburnum) available here.
In the vernacular, the Indian Laburnum is also called Mannabaum or Röhrenkassie, as the plant 40 cm long, tubular pods forms. In them, the seeds lie in a sticky marrow that tastes slightly like licorice. In English, the container plant is also called Golden Shower Tree.

Indian Laburnum - Cassia Fistula

  • You pay for every delivery 1 Euro real shipping costs. If you order more than one product you pay only 1 Euro. The shipping costs are always the same.

    If there are several products, we often add a free gift or increase the number of delivered goods.

  • The Cassia Fistula seeds are always fresh from Asia, or we harvest them once a year ourselves.
    The seed is grown in the house all year round. The very hard-shelled seeds should be roasted with sandpaper, soaked in warm water for 24 hours and then max. 1 cm deep in moist growth substrate. Germination sets in after 2-5 weeks. Keep it evenly moist and keep it warm (20 ° -25 ° C).

    A detailed illustrated instructions is the delivery !!!

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