In India, Tulsi is considered a herbal manifestation of the god Vishnu, and is accordingly highly esteemed and revered. It is said that the goddess Tulasidevi hatched into the shape of this medicinal plant to serve and protect the people. The 'queen of herbs' grows in India as a sacred plant in the garden of every temple and house. The house of a Hindus would simply be incomplete without this healing herb! - What a miracle would it be if science did not find evidence of the unique efficacy of this medicinal plant ?!
Holy Indian Basil - Tulsi Basil
You pay for every delivery 1 Euro real shipping costs. If you order more than one product you pay only 1 Euro. The shipping costs are always the same.
If there are several products, we often add a free gift or increase the number of delivered goods.The Tulsi basil seeds are always fresh from India.
Sow from mid-March in pots indoors or from mid-May directly into the field. Indian basil is a light germ. Just sprinkle the seeds on the moist soil and press lightly.
Basil is very sensitive to frost and therefore only one year old in our climate zone.
It prefers warm, humus-rich, loose, sandy soils and sunny locations. It does not like windy locations
A detailed illustrated instructions is the delivery !!!