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Originally, this tree, which belongs to the carob plants, comes from the tropics and subtropics and especially here from Madagascar. Even if it bears fruit, it belongs to the ornamental plants, because the fruits are not used as such. In recent years, however, it has become increasingly popular even in our latitudes. Thus, the flame tree in the warm tropics is the ideal shade donor, because it widens in its treetop very much and is thus used in many gardens and street avenues. If the flame tree is already cut properly early in rearing, then it develops a widely fanciful and hemispherical crown, which can also donate a nice shade on the home terrace.
A tree like a sea of ​​flames - the flame tree, Delonix regia, does not have its name from somewhere else: with its impressive treetop and a fiery red floral splendor, this tree is strongly reminiscent of blazing fire. But it is not only its interesting appearance that makes it a welcome plant in local gardens, parks or avenues: it provides plenty of shade and is also quite easy to care for.

Flame Tree - Delonix Regia

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  • Die Flammenbaum / Delonix Regia Samen beziehen wir immer frisch aus Thailand , oder wir ernten diese auch einmal im Jahr selbst .


    Den Flammenbaum kann ein Hobbygärtner gut selbst anziehen, wenn er den Samen hierfür besitzt. Die Aussaat der Samen kann ganzjährig erfolgen und dies gelingt sehr gut auf der heimischen Fensterbank an einem warmen und hellen Ort. Auch sollte es hier vermieden werden, die kleine Pflanze der Zugluft auszusetzen, da sie windstille Orte schätzt.


    Eine ausführliche bebilderte Anleitung liegt der Lieferung bei !!!

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