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Toona sinensis is called "Chinese Vegetable Tree" because the red, young leaves and sprouts of this tree are a very popular vegetable in Asia, especially in China, Korea and Malaysia. It goes well with chop suey, soups, sauces and fried dishes, or in lettuce.
 The aroma is spicy fine, similar to onions and chives and is therefore also used a lot for seasoning. The plant is extremely healthy and nutritious.
 It contains a great deal of antioxidants and about 10% protein, which is why Toona sinensis is used in traditional Chinese medicine for the prevention of cancer, for the treatment of pain, diarrhea, inflammation and much more. The tree grows very fast and produces a noble, very hard wood.

Chinese vegetable tree - Toona sinensis

  • You pay for every delivery 1 Euro real shipping costs. If you order more than one product you pay only 1 Euro. The shipping costs are always the same.

    If there are several products, we often add a free gift or increase the number of delivered goods.

  • We always source the Toona Sinensis seeds fresh from China.
        As a substrate is a mixture of Aussaaterde and sand. The seeds should first be allowed to swell in water for 12 hours. It is recommended to stratify the seeds together with the moist substrate for 3-4 weeks in the refrigerator, which increases the germination capacity. Afterwards, set up bright, at approx. 20 ° C and constant humidity
    A detailed illustrated instructions is the delivery !!!

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