The bitter melon (Momordica charantia), also called bitter gourd or balsam pear, belongs to the family of the cucurbits (Cucurbitaceae) and originates from China and India. In addition, the tropical vegetables are grown mainly in North America and the Caribbean. In Ayurvedic medicine, the vegetable plant is traditionally used in diabetes.
Bitter melon is a herbaceous and slender growing climber with two to five meter long shoot axles, which is perennial at the natural site, but cultivated with us only one year. It forms long, vine-like leaves that are sparsely hairy. The five- to seven-lobed leaf blades are up to ten inches long. They have a roughly dentate leaf margin.
Bitter melon - bitter gourd
You pay for every delivery 1 Euro real shipping costs. If you order more than one product you pay only 1 Euro. The shipping costs are always the same.
If there are several products, we often add a free gift or increase the number of delivered goods.The bitter melon seeds are always fresh from Asia, or we harvest them once a year ourselves.
It is recommended to use the bitter cucumber in the house in March / April or in a heated greenhouse. Sow two seeds each in potting pots with humus soil and place them warm in a room window (at about 22 to 25 degrees Celsius) and bright. For the germination of the bitter melon, it is important that the seed always remains evenly moist. After two weeks, the seedlings show up, which are transplanted into larger pots as soon as they reach a height of about 15 centimeters.
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