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Of the more than 30,000 apple varieties worldwide, about 1,500 are suitable for cultivation in Germany. However, only a few varieties, such as Golden Delicious, Elstar, Gala or Cox Orange, find their way to the supermarkets. Drawing an apple tree out of seeds offers the interested hobby gardener a unique option to open up new ways, beyond the beaten cultivation paths.
With a few years of patience, you can also grow beautiful plants from seeds.

Apple tree - seed mix

  • You pay for every delivery 1 Euro real shipping costs. If you order more than one product you pay only 1 Euro. The shipping costs are always the same.

    If there are several products, we often add a free gift or increase the number of delivered goods.

  • The apple seeds are always fresh from the Czech Republic.
     Apple kernels are in the year of their maturation on the tree provided with natural germ inhibitors, which decompose only over the winter. In nature, it is ensured that pits do not expire until the new growing season and do not freeze in the late autumn. If you want to grow an apple tree yourself from a nucleus, then you have to bypass this natural germ barrier in the collected nuclei. To do this, place the cleaned apple kernels between moist layers of kitchen paper in a container to stratify in the refrigerator for at least two weeks. Afterwards, you can plant the then mostly easily expelled seeds in a pot with loose soil.
    A detailed illustrated instructions is the delivery !!!

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