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Lavender brings a touch of Provence to your garden. Its beautiful purple flowers and its intense scent make it attractive not only for the extraction of fragrances for perfumes, soaps and bath products, but also attract many insects. His botanical name Lavandula he is therefore not by chance: It comes from the Latin word lavare, which means to wash means. The great scent of lavender goes back not least to its ingredients, which are also considered beneficial. Real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) was therefore named medicinal plant of the year in 2008. As an ingredient in the kitchen, it can provide a special, sweet or tart note.


  • You pay for every delivery 1 Euro real shipping costs. If you order more than one product you pay only 1 Euro. The shipping costs are always the same.

    If there are several products, we often add a free gift or increase the number of delivered goods.

  • The lavender seeds are always fresh from Austria.
    If you have a lavender in the garden and you do not want to buy it as a seedling, you can sow it in trays starting in March. Do not cover the seeds with soil, just press them on the surface. Lavender is a light germ that needs brightness for the seeds to rise. Therefore place him in a bright, warm place. After about three weeks, the first green should be visible. If you want to sow it directly in the field, wait until May. Once the night frosts are over, then the young plants can move outside.
    A detailed illustrated instructions is the delivery !!!

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